Crane Operators

ASL can provide guidance and safeguarding assessments for airports or directly for crane operators in line with CAA requirements.

CAA published guidance in CAP 1096 for the crane notification and obstacle lighting and marking. Use the link below to view the guidance.

The guidance should be considered relevant to users of all cranes exceeding a height of 10m above ground level (AGL) or that of the surrounding structures or trees (if higher).

This guidance is currently subject to a CAA trial and, unless specifically as requested and approved to take part in the trial, please use the guidance found at the linked web page.

Duty of Care

The hirer of the crane (principal or other contractor) is responsible for notifying relevant aerodromes and the lighting of the crane. Crane suppliers should ensure that hirers are aware of this.

Crane users should liaise directly with local aerodrome operators.

If the crane is in the vicinity of an aerodrome AND 100m or higher above ground level, you need to notify both the aerodrome and the CAA. Crane notification | Civil Aviation Authority (

The online submission system for crane notifications has changed. Please register via the CAA customer portal to access the new Airspace Coordination and Obstacle Management Service (ACOMS) and refer to the ACOMS registration guide for assistance. CAA are no longer accepting AVOKA online submissions or DAP1924 forms for crane notifications.

The hirer of the crane (principal or other contractor) is responsible for notifying aerodrome and the lighting of the crane. Crane suppliers should ensure that hirers are aware of this. CAA encourages crane users to liaise directly with local aerodrome operators. The notifications can be divided into two categories, based on how long the crane will stay in situ:

  • Cranes in situ for up to 90 days – NOTAM if required
  • Cranes in situ for more than 90 days Add to your UK AIP entry AD 2.10

For long term crane notification(s), aerodrome operators should consider the use of AIP supplements to AD 2.10 in advance to satisfy the notification requirements. For more information, please see the NOTAM guidance available on the AIS website or contact the UK NOTAM Office, the CAA by contacting and the Defence Geographic Centre (DGC). The DGC maintains the UK’s master database of tall structures (the Digital Vertical Obstruction File (DVOF)). They can be contacted at 0208 818 2702 /